turn-ED 14 on 12th May
♥child of God:D
♥megalifer || central3-er:D
![]() turn-ED 14 on 12th May ♥小小绿茶 ♥child of God:D ♥megalifer || central3-er:D CRAVINGS♥
[ ] learn to play the guitar![ ] get GPA of at least 3.8 end of this year! [ ] accesories♥ bracelets, chains, earrings etc. [ ] tattybear stuff!♥ <3 [ ] pooh bear stuff^^ [ ] those bean-bag kinda soft toy :) [ ] GUITAR HERO!♥ [hey i can dream right? xD] SHOUTOUTS
||lystra♥||||♥小小绿茶:D|| ||amanda :D|| ||becks xDD|| ||bridget xD|| ||carin:D|| ||cassandra:D|| ||chingying:D|| ||darien:D|| ||felicia:D|| ||jalyn:D|| ||jianchong xP|| ||laura xD|| ||melvin xD|| ||peishan xDD|| ||reena :D|| ||regina:D|| ||sarah:D|| ||xinyi [softball]:D|| ||s.xinyi:D|| ||vanessa :D|| ||venus:DD|| ||weilee ;D|| ||yanfong xD|| [CPS]
{♥6/1'07<3:DD}{amira:DD} {cherry :D} {clarissa :D} {dana xDD} {daniel:D} {darius xP} {denise:DD} {enze:D} {lianne:D} {geralyn:DD} {gladys :D} {grace:DD} {natalie :D} {nisa :DD} {qianyi :D} {rebekah:DD} {sherry:D} {sheryn:DD} {subastian xP} {xiuhui :D} [OTHERS]
{♥Central3<3:DD}{Eunice <33 :DD} {Heather xD} {Jae xD} {Jonathan Boey xD}
memories ,
August 2008,
September 2008,
October 2008,
November 2008,
December 2008,
January 2009,
February 2009,
March 2009,
April 2009,
May 2009,
June 2009,
July 2009,
August 2009,
October 2009,
Saturday, June 27, 2009
HAPPY BIRHDAY MATTHEW SOH! (:may God bless you always (: yea continue to grow taller xP ARGH monday start school already. >< Wednesday, June 24, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOROTHEA!yea it's one day late. SORRY! >< you've been an awesome friend :D stay hot pretty smart nice & fun yea? xD love ya always! may God bless you always too (: Monday, June 22, 2009
ok i know i'm one day late but..HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DADDY! hope you all did something nice for you dads :D they work hard at work to bring home the "ka-ching"$$ so u can buy stuff :D and happy father's day to my Father up in heaven too (: no one can love me more than He does, he created this wonderful world we live in and gave His one and only Son so that we may go to heaven and have eternal life :D so let's appreciate what our dads and God has done for us! :D Friday, June 19, 2009
TAG REPLIES!chingying: haha k don't remind them xD dorothea: haha ok, painful >< had cell outing @ Sentosa yesterday! SUPER FUN :D played some really disgusting [haha] yet fun games, slacked, bonded :D the most fun was the water captain's ball! xP not much photos cos didn't take >< holidays ending liao xP but may extend by 1 or 2 weeks! i really hope they extend la! i feel like the holidays are too short >< yup so enjoy your holidays people (: Monday, June 15, 2009
LYSTRA CLASS OUTING!haha it was fun :D first had a hard time finding where they were, all peishan fault la! don't know how to give direction properly >< hai me and becks have to walk so much! haha then waited for the rest to come, accopany venus eat lunch. then played some relay thingo. my team lost >< haha but they forgot about forfeit! MUAHAHA! then played sponge captain's ball. yup replace the ball with a sponge. FUN but tiring xD then relaxed and slacked and had free time, so drew words in the sand with becks and puishan. went to macs to buy drink! then talked and relaxed a bit. then we played TRUTH OR DARE! haha at first really enthu, then slowly i died out, cos it got boring. didn't join them for dinner cos rebecca's father came to pick us home! ok now for pics! dumdum cass keeps pestering me for it! >< 2 retarded woman xD the ever so famous, SUPREME KING! looking supreme there ;D she just had to close her eyes -.- MY FEET! haha k random -.- ME & Puishan! :D the retarded perverted sick woman CASS & beautiful pretty MOI! :D weiqiang trying to be photogenic? haha one glam bimbo [left] and one weirdo bimbo [right] MOI! u spoil the pic cass! see chingying looks so pretty! CASS & VENUS! they look drunk xD Rebecca.Vivian.Peishan :D xiaoxiaolvcha<3 haha *ahem* becks xD cass at her grave :0 me smiling happily at cass grave the world will be a muich better place! xD JK la! Thursday, June 11, 2009
OFF TO MALAYSIA!be back on Sunday night :D Wednesday, June 10, 2009
HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY BRYAN!sorry, no time to post xP may all your wishes come true and i love you always! though your 7 years old aready, you'll always be my favourite little BABY monkey cousin xD God bless you always! |