turn-ED 14 on 12th May
♥child of God:D
♥megalifer || central3-er:D
![]() turn-ED 14 on 12th May ♥小小绿茶 ♥child of God:D ♥megalifer || central3-er:D CRAVINGS♥
[ ] learn to play the guitar![ ] get GPA of at least 3.8 end of this year! [ ] accesories♥ bracelets, chains, earrings etc. [ ] tattybear stuff!♥ <3 [ ] pooh bear stuff^^ [ ] those bean-bag kinda soft toy :) [ ] GUITAR HERO!♥ [hey i can dream right? xD] SHOUTOUTS
||lystra♥||||♥小小绿茶:D|| ||amanda :D|| ||becks xDD|| ||bridget xD|| ||carin:D|| ||cassandra:D|| ||chingying:D|| ||darien:D|| ||felicia:D|| ||jalyn:D|| ||jianchong xP|| ||laura xD|| ||melvin xD|| ||peishan xDD|| ||reena :D|| ||regina:D|| ||sarah:D|| ||xinyi [softball]:D|| ||s.xinyi:D|| ||vanessa :D|| ||venus:DD|| ||weilee ;D|| ||yanfong xD|| [CPS]
{♥6/1'07<3:DD}{amira:DD} {cherry :D} {clarissa :D} {dana xDD} {daniel:D} {darius xP} {denise:DD} {enze:D} {lianne:D} {geralyn:DD} {gladys :D} {grace:DD} {natalie :D} {nisa :DD} {qianyi :D} {rebekah:DD} {sherry:D} {sheryn:DD} {subastian xP} {xiuhui :D} [OTHERS]
{♥Central3<3:DD}{Eunice <33 :DD} {Heather xD} {Jae xD} {Jonathan Boey xD}
memories ,
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October 2008,
November 2008,
December 2008,
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August 2009,
October 2009,
Thursday, March 26, 2009
WE WON ANGLICAN 13-12!!!!YAY DHS SOFTBALL!!! that means WE'RE IN TOP 8 FOR NATIONALS!! YYAAAYY!! :DD today's game was exciting! like really! we were like neck to neck with anglican, at first we were leading then they were leading then they were leading then we were leading and so on and so forth.. then finally at our LAST INNING, we were about 7 runs behind!! but thank God we manage to run 8 runs and WIN ANGLICAN!! YES!! :DDD omg then at the end all of us were like crying for joy, so overwhelmed with emotions!! haha yay DHS softball! continue to JIAYOU!! oh and.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATTHEW TJOENG! wa 14 yeas old ler, must be more mature k? haha jkjk xD continue to grow in faith in the Lord and may He bless you always! i'm glad to have you as a friend :D thanks for everything! ;) i'm feeling high now!! probably from the game xD but now must work extra hard for next round of nationals! thank you Lord for everything, we couldn't have done this without you. Wednesday, March 25, 2009
tomorrow's the match which determines whether we get into nationals!!aahh! so 紧张!! and it's against... ANGLICAN HIGH SCHOOL! we lost to NYGH ): but not by alot. 9 - 7. so must jiayou for tomorrow's game! today change sitting arrangement. guess who i'm sitting beside? just my luck, on my left, the SUPREME KING. -.- wait that's not the worse part, on my right, LAOBA. =.= i'm gonna have such a wonderful time with them *sense the irony king?* even melvin pities me. >< today presented the Chinese ju ben drama thing. HAHA xD wish we took video of it >< it was fun seeing patrick as a girl xD jianchong as a grandmother xD linmin acting drama xD and zongming going "先生,等一下,你还没还钱!" xD haha k gtg do math. must JIAYOU for nationals! Father once again i ask you for strength and faith. Help me do my best, and trust in you. Saturday, March 21, 2009
taggie replies!CASS: haha lol xD LAURA: really meh? i cannot find! where? CHINGYING: haha no i haven't. it must be really retarded xD BRIDGET: oohh ok ;) n i haven't told anyone ;) i'm BACK!! did u guys miss me? i know u did xD & i realised before i went to malaysia i forgot to post birthday post to some people >< SORRY!! ok so.. MARCH 17: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIANMING KOR-KOR! ur a really great & fun cousin! i like playing RISK with u!! :D thanks for all the great times! MARCH 18: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!! DADDYY!! ur a fabulous awesome fantastic dad! xD and no matter how lame you get sometimes, & how embarrasing you may be in front of my friends xP, ur still the "cool" dad that i'm proud to have! :D may God bless you with good health & happiness always! LOVE YOU!! :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY AZEEM!! haven't seen you in a looonng time, hope we can meet up in a 6.1 gathering soon! may all your wishes come true & hope ur enjoying life ;D MARCH 19: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKS!! yea what i have to say to u is in the previous post. xP March always has 1 crazy loong week of birthdays. MARCH 15: Rachel's birthday MARCH 16: Auntie Annie's birthday MARCH 17: Jianming kor kor's birthday MARCH 18: Daddy & Azeem's birthdays MARCH 19: the retarded auntie-ish Rebecca's birthday xD yup Genting was ok, cool, as usual. sat a really big & nice limo up from airport to genting :D went SHOPPING & bought some stuff. souvenirs!! :D yea then played in the theme park, and the arcade with daddy. haha. then at night do holiday homework. xP yup pretty normal, not that interesting. kk off to tuition now! Monday, March 16, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKS!! [in advance, cos i won't be here on your birthday ><]thanks for being my retarded, crazy, auntie-ish, no sense of humor-ish, egoistic... smart, fabulous, BEST friend :D haha. LOVE ya [like a sis] always! :D God bless you in everything you do ((: tomorrow going off to Genting! will be back on friday ;) till then! Sunday, March 15, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL HUANG!!:DDmay all your wishes come true and continue to stay strong in the Lord k? :D a quiz i did on facebook. shall post it here cos got some don't have facebook but i want them to see xD especially YOU becks!! xD Write the names of 21 friends you can think off the top of your head, and then answer the questions. Say you’re guessing if you don’t know, but at least guess on all of them. After doing this, tag your 21 friends to do the same. 1. Rebecca 2. Venus 3. Pei Shan 4. Jing Pei 5. Grace 6. Dorothea 7. Hazel 8. Bridget 9. Tjoeng 10. Sherwyn 11. Moses 12. Jesse 13. Rebekah 14. Amira 15. Subastian 16. Hafiz 17. Laura 18. Darius 19. Cassandra 20. Jian Chong 21. Heather *How did you meet 7? [hazel] cell group! she drives me nuts will all her crazy antics xP *What would you do if you and 15 had never met? [subastian] LOL xD i got no one to bully me and drive me crazy. haha *What would you do if 20 and 1 dated? [Jian Chong & Rebecca] HAHA xD i would be happy for them, the King with an Ass wipe. xD but i don't think the King wants an ass wipe as a wife -.- and Rebecca already got so many guys, no need any more liao xD *Have you ever seen 17 cry? [darius] hmm.. i don't think so ba.. not that i can remember *Would 4 and 16 make a good couple? [Jing Pei & Hafiz] haha, um first they don't know each other. and Jing Pei's only interested in GIRLS. right laoba? xD haha but yea they'll make a pretty good couple i guess, the like to make fun of girls. xD *Do you want to be 13's friend forever? [Rebekah] YESYESYES!! :D *Do you think 11 is attractive? [Moses] haha, um maybe if he were a lil taller? xD haha nah jkjk. hmm.. yea he can be considered attractive. *What’s 5’s favorite color? [Grace] um.. i don't know. :X pink? purple? *When was the last time you talked to 9? [Tjoeng] last night after cell! he's gonna be my slave! MUAHAHAHA xD *What language does 8 speak? [Bridget] Englsih Chinese Japanese Malay.. any others? *Who is 13 going out with? [Rebekah] haha i have no idea. *What grade is 16 in? [Hafiz] Secondary 2 Ngee Ann Secondary! ((: *Would you ever date 17? [Laura] nah she's already married. and i don't wanna marry my slave xD *Where does 18 live? [Darius] Pasir Ris oppsite Downtown East that condo. ((: *What is the best thing about 4? [JingPei] um.. hmm.. let me think. i can't seem to think of anything good about him xD nah jkjk. hm, ok he's smart :D and he's my LAOBA. *What would you like to tell 10 right now? [Sherwyn] Hey, finish writing all your books? xD and i WILL GROW!! *What is the best thing about 20? [JianChong] Haha he's really funny retarded King? xD *Have you ever kissed 2? [Venus] haha no not lesbian here. *What’s the best memory you have of 5? [Grace] all the times we went out together :D *When’s the next time you’re going to see 4? [JingPei] um when school reopens? unless i see him in Malaysia or smth :D *How is 7 different from 6? [Hazel & Dorothea] Dorothea is not as crazy as hazel xD *Is 2 pretty? [Venus] in my opinion, YES! :D *What was your first impression of 15! [Subastian] dumb mushroom who has nothing better to do except bully me xP *How did you meet 3? [PeiShan] Dunman High same class!! :D *Is 15 your best friend? [Subastian] HAH xD no comment. *Do you hate 12? [Jesse] haha no of course not. His cold jokes crack me up xD *Have you seen 18 in the last month? [Darius] nope. but hope we can soon in the next 6.1 gathering! :D *When was the last time you saw 16? [Hafiz] haha um.. i can't remember, but it's been quite sometime. *Have you been to 5’s house? [Grace] haha yes! it's really nice and comfy :D *When’s the next time you’ll see 10? [Sherwyn] haha next Saturday during Megalife and cell :D or if i'm even TALL ebough to see him xP *Are you close to 11? [Moses] hmm yea quite ok. same cell :D *Have you been to the movies with 4? [JingPei] haha NO. and i don't want to unless it's a group thingy. *Have you gotten in trouble with 8? [Bridget] oohh nope i don't think so. and i hope i never will :D *Would you give 19 a hug? [Cassandra] haha yes provided she doesn't do anything sick to me. xP *When have you lied to 3? [PeiShan] haha yes a white lie when we were planning her birthday and didn't want her to find out. :D forgive me? >< *Is 11 good at socializing? [Moses] lol YEA. with girls espeically. xD haha no la with everyone. *Do you know a secret about 8? [Bridget] um.. i think so. if what i think i know is a secret then yea :D *Describe the relationship between 12 and 18. [Jesse & Bridget] CELL mates. and they call each other names that rhymes with their original name :D *What’s the best thing about your friendship with 9? [Tjoeng] He's a nice friend to talk to :D and i like bullying him too xD but he bullies me too la so wth -.- *What’s the worst thing about 6? [Dorothea] hmm.. i can't think of anything haha. xD *Have you ever had a crush on 12? [Jesse] O.O lol no. haha. i won't have a crush ON him but someday i might crush him. haha no jkjk i won't crush him, if not got no one to tell me cold jokes xD *How long have you known 2? [Venus] Since last year :D *Have you ever been in a fight with 13? [Rebekah] haha gosh no! *Does 11 have a bf/gf? [Moses] Maybe, maybe not ;D haha i don't know. *Have you ever wanted to punch 1 in the face? [Rebecca] HAHA yes i dream of that every day/night. xD haha no la i have never. *Has 21 met your mother? [Heather] i think so. came my house for cell :D *How did you meet 11? [Moses] CELL and megalife! ((: *Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3? [PeiShan] oops yea, when i accidentally smacked her too hard xP and pinched her cheeks too hard xP SORRY!! >< *Do you live close to 7? [Hazel] Haha yes close enough. *What is 8’s favorite food? [Bridget] O.O i don't know >< ice cream? haha. *What kind of car does 1 have? [Rebecca] haha she doesn't have one. but she's asking for a bf with a Ferrari. xD her dad has a Volkswagen though. :D *Have you traveled anywhere with 9? [Tjoeng] umm.. around the church? haha. can't remember. xP *If you gave 14 $100, what would they spend it on? [Amira] haha i don't know, clothes? she's already so rich i can't think of anything she might buy! lol xD Saturday, March 14, 2009
didn't go megalife & cell today cos still having fever ><so long leh this fever :X anyway, i finally found it!! wa after looking for so many places, mummy found it at Parkway Parade today! can't say what IT is yet. ;D and when i say IT don't think sick cass, & supremeking. -.- march holiday going genting! actually i don't want to go, got nothing to do there. -.- going on tuesday! which is why i have to chiong all my homework by then >< which what im off to do now. >< Thursday, March 12, 2009
didn't go for the game today >WON with a score of 27-4!!! YAY!!! :D1 down, 2 more to go. AHS and Nanyang Girls' High! JIAYOU DHS softball!! today was a school holiday for DHS! cos the A-level results very good, so Mr Sng decided to give us a day off, as usual. :D last year the O-level results very good he also gave us 1 day off :D so i stayed at home and rot. i mainly spent the whole day sleeping. after coming back from docs i just slept, then ate lunch, then slept, then did homework, then slept, then watch a bit of TV then slept again then now im on the com :DD but i'm still having fever, so uncomfortable>< k gonna eat dinner soon, dont think i can sleep anymore. Zzz.. Wednesday, March 11, 2009
the game with AHS on tuesday...was an abandoned game. the umpire felt faint. so play half way, then they stop the game. gonna play a new game against them another time. tomorrow! against Newtown secondary. hope we can win!! ohh and GET WELL SOON BECKS!! will be praying for you :D jiayou DHS! oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARA!! [clara from softball] hope you can pitch well tomorrow! may all your wishes come true :D Lord give me the strength, the courage and the faith. i will try my absolute very best, and leave the rest up to you. Thank you Lord. Monday, March 9, 2009
tomorrow start nationals!!!i'm super anxious!! >< but coach say today must have CONFIDENCE and self-believe! [is there such word?] :D tomorrow's against AHS, going to their home ground to play. i hope we can win them!! then can proceed to next round of nationals! :D like what the SUPREME KING will say, 要有自信!! *does the funny action he does when he says this* xD JIAYOU DHS softball!! :DD thanks for not givin up on me :D Sunday, March 8, 2009
haha was just doing that quiz for fun. xD i would like to see how much ur worth SUPREME KING xD Lystra's currently in the process of playing Angel and Mortal ^^ my angel gave me a fountain pen & a baby pooh bear stuff toy^^ so cute!!<3 and i think i know who he/she is. it could be ______ or ______ but whoever you are, THANKS ANGEL :D and i gave my mortal things too!^^ i hope he/she likes it! :D finally the CTs are over!! my results are average >< must work harder!! this coming week start SOFTBALL nationals!! this tuesday against AHS! then thursday is against Newtown! JIAYOU DHSSB! now got so many projects going on. got FPS, SIP, chinese 剧本... >< luckily tomorrow's timetable quite slack. got ACC. hah the crazy song ci and singing xD math-.- ahhh the pythagoram's theorem thingy. and got training! the final one before the AHS game >< yup, cant wait till march holi! but will be going off too Malaysia from tues to fri :D
i feel so tired, so exhausted.
i have no more strength to move on. my head's filled with stress and confusion. like it's gonna explode anytime. my heart feels like it's on the edge of falling. i want to break free from everything. Father, i'm sorry for not looking to you. Please give me the strength to move on. Show me the right path to go. Fill my cup again. I'm listening. Saturday, March 7, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY REBEKAH!!it's another rebekah, not the one from DHS. the one from DHS is retarded xD and it's spelt rebecca. haha xD ok just came back from megalife and cell. games was fun haha xD Tuesday, March 3, 2009
BOOYA! :Di'm really afraid of what's going to happen next. today just got the softball east zone champs trophy!!:DD it's cool, and gold and shiny ^^ it's only my 2nd trophy since my P1 sports day )): haha our new captain, YAKI [xD] had to present the plaque to the school, but both principal and v.princial not in ): she must be so disappointed. HOR YAKI? xD i'm really afraid of what's going to happen next. this week left 2 more tests to go! geog and LA!! jiayoujiayou! then very fast march holi liao :D there seems to be no reason to cry, but then why is my heart hurting so much and tears streaming down my face? ok this shall be a short post, have to go study liao. >< they all say to let go. but it's easier said then done, am i not ready to let go? or do i even want to let go? i'm confused, mixed up.i just wish i knew what you were thinking, that would make everything so. much. easier. confused, mixed up, i really need to break free. from everything. |