turn-ED 14 on 12th May
♥child of God:D
♥megalifer || central3-er:D
![]() turn-ED 14 on 12th May ♥小小绿茶 ♥child of God:D ♥megalifer || central3-er:D CRAVINGS♥
[ ] learn to play the guitar![ ] get GPA of at least 3.8 end of this year! [ ] accesories♥ bracelets, chains, earrings etc. [ ] tattybear stuff!♥ <3 [ ] pooh bear stuff^^ [ ] those bean-bag kinda soft toy :) [ ] GUITAR HERO!♥ [hey i can dream right? xD] SHOUTOUTS
||lystra♥||||♥小小绿茶:D|| ||amanda :D|| ||becks xDD|| ||bridget xD|| ||carin:D|| ||cassandra:D|| ||chingying:D|| ||darien:D|| ||felicia:D|| ||jalyn:D|| ||jianchong xP|| ||laura xD|| ||melvin xD|| ||peishan xDD|| ||reena :D|| ||regina:D|| ||sarah:D|| ||xinyi [softball]:D|| ||s.xinyi:D|| ||vanessa :D|| ||venus:DD|| ||weilee ;D|| ||yanfong xD|| [CPS]
{♥6/1'07<3:DD}{amira:DD} {cherry :D} {clarissa :D} {dana xDD} {daniel:D} {darius xP} {denise:DD} {enze:D} {lianne:D} {geralyn:DD} {gladys :D} {grace:DD} {natalie :D} {nisa :DD} {qianyi :D} {rebekah:DD} {sherry:D} {sheryn:DD} {subastian xP} {xiuhui :D} [OTHERS]
{♥Central3<3:DD}{Eunice <33 :DD} {Heather xD} {Jae xD} {Jonathan Boey xD}
memories ,
August 2008,
September 2008,
October 2008,
November 2008,
December 2008,
January 2009,
February 2009,
March 2009,
April 2009,
May 2009,
June 2009,
July 2009,
August 2009,
October 2009,
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
today had class outing!!was super fun! n crazy! xD see other people blog for details please. lazy to post. hehe xD ok quiz from puishan! her blog ah, cannot copy & paste one leh, so i have to 慢慢 go to her blog, read the question, come back to my blog, type out the question & answer it & repeat the whole process... 39 times!!! or more. >.< ok so here goes. 1. The person who tagged you is? Yo Pui Shan! no la jkjk. xD Yeo Pei Shan. 2. Your relationship with him/her? ok i really don't know if should be him or her... jkjk xD she's my classmate & friend! n fellow 小小绿茶 3. Your 5 impressions of him/her? a) she's multi-sexual b) she's immature c) she's good in netball d) she's a really good friend :D e) she's...multi sexual? haha no la. she very nice to bully xD 4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for you? um..let me think ah..she..uh..ok too many to name liao. she teach me math, she help me in netball. OH OH I KNOW I KNOW!! she let me bully her!! xD 5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you? um.. i cant remember o.O 6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will? become multi sexual as well? n by then pigs would be flying. cos that would never happen!! 7. If he/she becomes your lover, the thing he/she has to improve on will be? to never become my lover. 8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will? be quite miserable & hope to get back with her 9. There is no spoon question. okay this is weird.. 0.0 i mean like huh? 10. What do you want to tell him/her now? that she should have come for the lystra class outing!! 11. Your overall impression of him/her? he/she's a [joking] multi sexual & that she's a really good friend. :D 12. How do u think people around you feel about you? that im a crazy retarded freak? n im NICE!! xD 13. The characteristics you love about yourself are? im OPTIMISTIC!! n im NICE!! xD n im RETARDED 14. On the contrary, the characteristics you hate about yourself are? that i cry too easily sometimes. n i get easily bullied by SOME PEOPLE!! >.< 15. The most ideal person you want to be is? a mature caring nice fun person :D 16. For poeple that care & like you, say something to them. THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES & MORE!! n u have absolute WONDERFUL taste to like me! xD 17. Pass this quiz to 10 people whom you wish to know how they feel about you. um... 1) becks! muahahaha 2) dana! muahahaha 3) subastian [nutty annoying mushroom] xD 4) darius 5) bridget 6) grace 7) regina 8) amira 9) eunice 10) cass! o.o 18. Who is no. 6 having a relationship with? grace; umm.. no one as far as i know.. o.O 19. Is no. 9 a male or female? eunice; duh female. as far as i know. o.O 20. If no. 7 & no. 10 are together will it be a good thing? regina & cass; um.. not sure? they both will be les & they will be a very retarded couple.. o.O 21. What is no. 2 studying? dana; some fish language la. or subastian's "how to drive poeple crazy" tutorial. xD 22. When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3? subastian; JUST!! he's driving me crazy la! annoying mushroom! 23. What kind of music band does no. 8 like? amira; um.. im not exactly sure now.. i'll ask her soon! 24. Does no. 1 have any siblings? becks; yes! 1 brother! 25. Will you woo no. 3? subastian; EW GROSS!! yuck! not even if he's the last guy on earth! who would date such an annoying guy la? 26. How about no. 7? regina; nope! she's my fellow FBB n she's a girl. i dont wanna be les. 27. Is no. 4 single? darius; uh im not sure? maybe? maybe not? 28. What is the surname of no. 5? bridget; um.. oh yea! bridget ng! yay i remembered xD 29. What are the hobbies of no. 10? cass; um.. squeezing balls? 0.0 30. Do no. 5 & no. 9 get along well? bridget & eunice; they dont know each other. but the will! ;D 31. Where is no. 2 studying at? dana; some fish school la. haha jkjk xD Chung Cheng High School main 32. Say something about no. 1. becks; HAH! retarded man that woman! she's got no sense of humor! she's OLD! haha. she's mainly retarded la. 33. Have you tried developing feelins for no. 8? amira; woah no way. haha she's a girl! 34. Where does no. 9 live? eunice; Pasir Ris Drive 4. blk 461! just opposite me!! please do not stalk her guys!! xD 35. What colour does no. 4 like? darius; o.o i dont know.. 36. Are no.1 & no. 5 best friends? becks & bridget; um not exactly.. the dont exactly know each other. but they're both christians so they're sisters in Christ! :D 37. Does no. 1 have any pets? becks; nope! thank goodness or she'll frighten them off! xD 38. Is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world? regina; haha absolutely!! xD 39. what is no. 10 doing now? cass; i dont know! i dont spy on her! YAY IM DONE FINALLY MAN!! ok so i shall continue posting tomorrow. TTFN!! ;D Sunday, November 23, 2008
TAG REPLIES!CASS : lol um ok thanks? it's not exactly straight la, a bit like wavy wavy also. nisa: hey miss you lots too!! yup linked already! ;D natalie: heys linked you already ;D Friday, November 21, 2008
PICS I TOOK WITH MY COUSIN!!photos we took to our genting trip..last year? i think. ![]()
feeling tired from yesteray.
but it was SUPER fun la! i'll post the funny parts about it soon. too lazy [& tired] to post about in now. xD haha. will try to get the FEW pics we took yesterday. then i'll post it up here. then you'll know how my WONDERFUL FABULOUS cell mates are! ok MOST of them are wonderful & fab la. not all xD joking!! ALL of them are cool yea. im ill. AGAIN! sheesh. which is why i didnt go training. ok post up pics later. till then. byebye! ;D Wednesday, November 19, 2008
HEYHEYHEY!!yup so i shall start updating about my boring life. when did i last post? Sunday. ok so. Monday: then did some holi homework. BORING!! Tuesday: My 16-yr old cousin came over to my house! we took like ALOT of pics. :D may post up here soon ;D we did scrapbooking [she's like super talented], watched Material Girls, watched some videos online, read mags.. bla & so on. the most fun part was the pics la! took like 100 over. ok will post SOME up here. not all of course, haha. Today: um.. training. had fun zhen-ing becks. xD she was like so pissed that she decided not to say anything cos whatever she says me & ahma will use it against her. but she didn't know that even if she keeps quiet, we can also zhen her. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!! xD oh jeez i really am becoming like Coach. or hazel. o.O getting joy from torturing people. haha. but for my case i only get joy from torturing BECKS. xDD then went to eat at white sands Burger King with yucky ahma becks siying & IMH. it was... RETARDED. & LOUD. the manager of BK had to come & tell us, "excuse me girls could u please quiet down. this isn't ur classroom, it's public. u know." we were like so pai seh la. all that yucky fault. talk so LOUD. xP [as always] then went home did some holi homework, & watched the CLIQUE movie!! it was nice ;D my cousin say the show Wild Child is nice. i'm gonna watch it soon ;D weee!! yup so tomorrow have CELL OUTING!! i LOVE cell outings! <33333 its always SUPER fun!! :D omg i can't wait!! will post about it tomorrow. if i have enough energy left. xD yup so there. ok nothing to say now. BYEBYE!! ;D Sunday, November 16, 2008
booya!just updated my wishlist! it keeps growing la. oh & mummy bought me a pair of sunglasses that i've been wanting for so long!! yay! thanks mama! ;D btw. CHRISTMAS is coming people, which is why i updated my list!! *hint**hint* haha jkjk la xD this holiday going to Bangkok & Japan! ;D can't wait! must remember to buy present for yucky aka yankee aka yaki aka yan fong. she keeps saying i owe her present. >.< yup ok so i have nothing to post about. some interesting things happened this week but can't post about it. haha. personal stuff. yup so tata!! Thursday, November 13, 2008
heyhey!changed my blogskin ;D the other one was getting a lil old. nice? :D haha yup. nothing much these days. just the usual slacking around. yup so going to find music for my bloggie now! byebye!♥ Sunday, November 9, 2008
BOOYA!ok let me try to recall what happened on friday... we had training. yup. which reminds me, have to round 6 rounds tomorrow. Mr Tong punish us la.. shucks >.< yea & he announced have bbq & blablabla. moving on.. ok yesterday was more interesting. :D cell was at YOURS TRULY, MOI, MY house!! :D yup. Jesse was commentating. -.- Hazel was crazy as usual. u know i think she receives joy from scaring & driving me crazy. sheesh. >.< Jae said i looked like a bird. again. he said everything i do resembles a bird. =X then when i said his hair looks like a chicken he simply said, "Thank you!" -.- i wish i had thought of that earlier! >.< Tjoeng was..ego-ish. & irritating. he JABBED & kicked me la! xP but i kicked him back so yea. haha. :D OH & Ted kept pressing the lift so the door kept opening & couldn't move la. >.< Derek kept doing his weird hand thingy. o.O oh & his catwalk was really funny xD he was trying to imitate Sharpay on a forefeit. xD haha. Clara's cool, & smart! :D she's from DHS 2J. not the 1K one *ahem* xD both claras are cool & smart though :D Bridget was..haiz, i don't know what to say la.. she keeps ignoring her dear *ahem* & going with other guys.. *ahem* xD jkjk Dorothea said i'm short & immature!! =X i'm not la right? i know u agree with me xD haha i'll grow taller than you one day matthew soh!! haha yup that's mostly it. cell's really fun. :D oh & Kiara was acting innocent & was too busy flirting! today daddy bought me a new camera!! yay daddy!!:D thanks a bunch!! it's really cool, i love the camera [& daddy too of course] to bits!! :DD yup so that's about it. post somemore tomorrow. BYEBYE!! :D Thursday, November 6, 2008
heyheyhey!ok 1st, tag replies! CASS!: um. EW!!!! omg.. well if linmin wants to know. he's single. xD NUTTY FISHY [dana] : yea. ok do the other one!! MUAHAHAHA xD REBEKAH: no problem ;D i didn't help much anyway. haha :D BECKS: haha i didnt know she gate crashed xD ok done! tomorrow got training! Mr Tong [new CCA teacher-in-charge] made new rule that can only wear blue FBTs or PE shorts. cos need to standardize everybody's attire. heng i still can wear my blue one. but then my other 2 FBT wasted liao.. =X oh becks is finally back! i was dieing from not being able to disturb her la! haha xD i chat with her online today, & this was part of our convo. me: i don't know how i survived the past few days la. my mouth was itching like crazy. cos cannot disturb u. haha xD her: man i should have stayed longer la. then u will die of itch. muahaha me: but if u stayed longer then u'll die of missing me too much xD then we'll both still die & go to heaven. so we'll still meet in heaven! so both ways u'll still have to see me! xDD haha xD i enjoy own-ing her.. xD i feel like coach now, getting joy from torturing people. haha xD yup so upcoming events: ~1L class outing. escape theme park. late afternoon. dunno what day yet. ~6/1 bbq. it's at...a park? haha not sure. 21st movember. oh no i forgot the time. ask amira later. yup still a bit sick from wednesday. but will try to go training lor. if not becks got no one to throw with. haha xD see i so nice right? i never bang-seh her la. then she bang-seh me go SC camp. xP jkjk xD ok signing off now. BBFN!! ;D Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I have nothing better to do so i shall do a loooooooonnnnngggggg quiz. yup. here goes... *tkaes a deep breath* Quiz 1 1. Do you like your present school? yea definitely. if not cannot meet all the retarded people xD 2. Who is the person you trust most? God! ;D 3. Do you hate your friends sometimes? Hate is a really strong word..more of dislike. but most of the time i LOVE THEM TO BITS la. xD 4. Are you afraid of death? um didn't really think about it. mostly no i guess. 5. Do your parents trust you with a Girlfriend/Boyfriend? not at this age. 6. Do you believe in eternity love yes! ;D 7. Have you ever broken someone's heart that he wants to commit suicide? no! i'm not that cruel. i'm very nice one ks? xD right? 8. What do you enjoy doing the most? driving becks CRAZY!! haha. xD hanging out with friends! 9. What is your most spoken language? English. 10. Do you cherish every friendship of yours? Almost all of them ;D 11. If you had a choice, which age would you choose to stay at? 17 -21! mature already ma at that age. then can have fun also cos im young! ;D 12.What do you think is the most important thing in your life? My Heavenly Father God!! ;D 13. Who do you hope to be always there for you? GOd & my closest friends! 14. Do you find life meaningless? nope! ;D 15. Do you like your CCA? hmm... tough call. nah jkjk yea i like it ;D 16. What will you do if you wake up one day and found out that you lost a toe? i'll scream my head off. freak out. =X 17. What are your goals for this year? um it's kinda like coming to the end of year ler. um ok probable to score better results & make more friends. yup. ;D 18. If you have 3 wishes, what will you wish for? happiness forever! love! & um.. for all my friends & family to be able to go to Heaven! ;D Quiz 2 1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? shocked & upset. maybe even angry!! but i'll forgive him after a while. see im nice right? xD 2. What will you do if you do not share the same feelings as the person who likes you? tell him i just wanna be friends! ;D 3. What will your dream wedding be like? ooh ooh!! a nice dress with all my friends & family present & with Mr. Right! yay!! ;D 4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you? huh? um.. no? 5. What's your ideal lover like? he's nice! [like me xD] um he has sense of humour! [NOT like becks] & yea. basically nice just says everything. haha. 6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? um.. can i say both? haha. im more to the being loved by someone side ba. 7. If the person you like does not like you, will you continue to wait for them to change their feelings? hmm maybe wait for a while lor. not forever though. 8. If the person you secretly likes is already attached, what would you do? try to give up on him. 9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently? um..yea my results. my mum. yup. but ok already la ;D 10. What do you want most in life? HAPPINESS!! :DD 11. Is being tagged fun? YES!!! i LOVE being tagged! haha 12. If you find out that your best friend is going out with your boyfriend/girlfriend,how would you react? um feel betrayed. emo for a while. but then go have a talk with them lor. then forgive & forget! ;D then let them be together since they wanna be together in the 1st place ma. 13. Who is currently the most important person to you? My Heavenly Father!! ;D 14. What kind of person do you think I am? huh? who's the i? nutty crazy question. [like fishy!! aha dana. lol xD] 15. What is the most unforgettable thing/event in your life? um..too many liao la. cannot list out. if not i write until tomorrow. 16. If the person you secretly like cannot recognise you, what would you do /how would you react? introduce myself. try to get him to know me better? 17. Would you give your all in a relationship? hmm probably. 18. If you fall in love with two persons simultaneously, who would you pick? um see who nicer? haha see who more appropriate lor. like which one family & friends like better. which one God likes better! ;D 19. What type of friends do you like? friends who are fun & nice! hehe 20. If you played a prank on someone, and he/she fell for the trick, what would you do? laugh my head off if its funny. apologize if it hurt that perosn. Quiz 3 1. Who would you want to be with for 24 hours? my friends! 2. Who do you blame for your mood? um myself? haha 3. Have you ever seen a dead body? my grandma's in a coffin. 4. What should we do with stupid people? um try to make them smarter? haha 5. How long do you think you will live? haha dont know, that's up to God ;D 6. What was the first thing you did this morning? Open my eyes? haha 7. Last person you went out to dinner with? uh.. went out ah? mummy & daddy! 8. Are you spoiled? i dont know leh. ask the people who are so nice to bother to read this. hehe xD u can reply on my taggie if u want ;D 9. Do you drink lots of water? um average? 10. How do you vent your anger? cry. haha. no seriously. & i punch something soft. or scream! 11. The last compliment you received? my little cousin saying im pretty!! haha xD 12. Do you look more like your mother or father? father! :D 13. When was the last time you threw up? very very very very very loong ago. i think like what? P4? 14. What theme does your room have? huh. um bright & colourful? haha 15. Would you ever join the military? NO WAY! too tough. too man liao. 16. The last website you visited? is like a 3D avatar chat thingy. 17. Who was the last person you took a picture with? umm..venus? or was it eunice? hmm.. 18. Last person you went to the movies with? doro grace bridget eunice. we watched HIGH SCHOOL MSUICAL 3!! haha. 19. The last person you stared at? yucky cos she was acting all wierd. xD 20. Number of pillows on your bed? 1 big 2 small. haha. 21. Is anything alive in your room? um any micro organisms or insect that got in? 22. Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week? forward! 23. What is your current goal to achieve? um to finish holi homework by this week? 24. How do you feel when you see him? who him? if u mean him him i feel like got butterflies inside of me. if u mean God Him then i think i'll feel awed. 25. How long is your hair? it's at my back? pass my shoulder. 26. What are your current worries? that i'll not finish my homework? oh & if my mum will allow me to go for 6/1 bbq. Quiz 4 1. Have you ever slept in the back of a car? so many times 2. Have you recently dyed your hair/cut it? no & no. 3. List four people that you look up to the most. God. Daddy. must it be 4? i have lotsa other people to name like my cell leader, my cell mates, my retarded friends...etc 4. How many pets do you own as of now? 2 terapins. -.- boring i know. 5. Which do you prefer white or black? WHITE!! 6. Choose one or the other, not both:-Being stuck on an island with a friend, beingstuck on an island with 5 acquaintances. FRIEND definitely. 7. Name three aspects that tell who you are. haha ok my character. my choice of music & my retardedness? haha. oh wait! my sense of humour xD 8. If you could have a power what would it be? make people HAPPY! 9. Who was the last person you talked to? Maricel my maid. 10. Who was the last person you said "I love you" to? my baby cousin!! the girl one! the 1 i post pic here la! so cute ^^ 11. Write down the first five words that pop into your head? retarded. huh. lol. ok what. 12. What's one thing you wish you could do better in? my studies 13. Do you like the way you are? OF COURSE LA! like duh! haha xD 14. Choose, Summer or Winter: Summer! :D 15. Choose, Rain or Snow: Snow! 16. Choose Water or Ice: water? haha 17. List two odd things about yourself: im retarded * im weird sometimes. 18. Who are two of your bad habits? to touch my collar haha. & act retarded. xD 19. Now list 5 people who should do this quiz: haha my fave part of the quiz! muahahaha i shall make people suffer!! xD jkjk BECKS! [muahahaha] PUISHAN! MELVIN [his blog is dead la] DANA [fishy muahaha!] LAURA!! [AAAHHH!! *screams*] ok im done. gtg bathe liao. right after i tag this people. BYEBYE!! xD Tuesday, November 4, 2008
i'm ba-ack!training was tiring yesterday. & ohoh COACH IS STAYING!! YAY!! ;D wa then amazingly coach let us off ON TIME!! xD such a rare opportunity that we actually couldn't believe it. we sat there & kept asking 'wa really ah coach? really ah?' until he said, "why you all still sit here? want me to make you all do some more PT isit?" then we all scrambled off. xD after training me yucky & siying went to tiong bahru plaza & ate Long John's Silver. so retarded la that yucky. oh & she owe's siying...$103!! actually was $73 because she anyhow go & order ice lemon tea for siying then become siying have to pay extra 20/25/30 cents. haha. then siying times the amount by 365 then get $73. then extra $30 cos on the way home yucky kept hitting siying. so 1 time she beat then add $1 lor. lol xD today didn't go for training cos i not feeling well. >.< i feel so bad for bang-seh-ing yucky.. i wanna see if siying still got bug her about the $30 or not. haha jkjk xD yup so gotta get started on some holiday homework.. >.< gotta bounce! byebye!! ;D Sunday, November 2, 2008
today went for the newpaper BIG walk thingy with mummy daddy 表姐 & ai choo 姐姐!we walked 5km! ok maybe less cos we walked some shortcuts xD but hey we walked without stopping or taking breaks ks? [see wei q?! im not FAT! xP] after that went to eat at Suntec. so all the fats we burnt off during the walk were gained back after eating. haha xD tomorrow got training! becks & ahma not going cos they got SC [student council] camp. they bang-seh us leh. xP nah jkjk xD OH NO then tomorrow im stuck with 2 retarded people namely yucky & IMH!! [shucks >.<] jkjk xD yesterday went to cell!;D there were many new people :D yay so our whole group was like so BIG oh & Janell & Phoebe went too! :D maybe i SHOULD start inviting people huh? i haven't done that in a loooooonnnngg time. WHO'S INTERESTED?? tell me ks? i know you're interested laoba xD yup. that's about it. short post. gonna go do somemore blogthings quizz!;D TTFN;D |