turn-ED 14 on 12th May
♥child of God:D
♥megalifer || central3-er:D
![]() turn-ED 14 on 12th May ♥小小绿茶 ♥child of God:D ♥megalifer || central3-er:D CRAVINGS♥
[ ] learn to play the guitar![ ] get GPA of at least 3.8 end of this year! [ ] accesories♥ bracelets, chains, earrings etc. [ ] tattybear stuff!♥ <3 [ ] pooh bear stuff^^ [ ] those bean-bag kinda soft toy :) [ ] GUITAR HERO!♥ [hey i can dream right? xD] SHOUTOUTS
||lystra♥||||♥小小绿茶:D|| ||amanda :D|| ||becks xDD|| ||bridget xD|| ||carin:D|| ||cassandra:D|| ||chingying:D|| ||darien:D|| ||felicia:D|| ||jalyn:D|| ||jianchong xP|| ||laura xD|| ||melvin xD|| ||peishan xDD|| ||reena :D|| ||regina:D|| ||sarah:D|| ||xinyi [softball]:D|| ||s.xinyi:D|| ||vanessa :D|| ||venus:DD|| ||weilee ;D|| ||yanfong xD|| [CPS]
{♥6/1'07<3:DD}{amira:DD} {cherry :D} {clarissa :D} {dana xDD} {daniel:D} {darius xP} {denise:DD} {enze:D} {lianne:D} {geralyn:DD} {gladys :D} {grace:DD} {natalie :D} {nisa :DD} {qianyi :D} {rebekah:DD} {sherry:D} {sheryn:DD} {subastian xP} {xiuhui :D} [OTHERS]
{♥Central3<3:DD}{Eunice <33 :DD} {Heather xD} {Jae xD} {Jonathan Boey xD}
memories ,
August 2008,
September 2008,
October 2008,
November 2008,
December 2008,
January 2009,
February 2009,
March 2009,
April 2009,
May 2009,
June 2009,
July 2009,
August 2009,
October 2009,
Saturday, August 30, 2008
yo!continue from yesterday. this is gonna be a loooong post so don't read it if u don't want to. yup so has 6/1 gathering, went back to school. saw some teachers, said hi and stuff, got there quite late so it was quite brief. me, amira, dorothea, grace, rebekah, dana[fishy!xD], xin ee, nisa, subas, darren, hafiz, odc, azeem, darius were there =D amira: still the same cool girl! ;D became abit more crazy but still as cool ;D dorothea and grace: i see them everyday, but they've become cooler each day :D rebekah: cut her hair! still the same happy girl from what i can remember :D fishy: cut her hair, yup still the same. :D i pity her though, keep getting picked on by subas. xinee: um, still the same? didn't talk much to her... SORRY XIN EE!! >.<> subas: still as immature [if not more] -.- darren: still as perverted...o.O hafiz odc azeem: nope not much change from what i can see.. dc looked as if he didn grow though... 0.0 and azeem changed his hair! it's all spiked up now! darius: cut his hair, still looks like a durian, yup. still the same ol' person though. at first got yi zhuo meiyu joelynn and halim then after that dont know where they go o.O then we WALKED to ehub! then halfway through darius and nisa walked some place and we sorta lost them but we met them at ehub anyway so yea. we watched Meet Dave at 3pm. l ol the show was FUNNY! and some parts were retarded xD the robot guy was funny, lol xD u people should watch it! yup then after the movie dorothea had to go for something at church so she had to go, me and rebekah also decided to go home while the rest stayed. daddy came to pick us!=D yup then nothing much liao. oh btw for those of you who don't know, the moodle math quizzes that u chiong? dateline extended to this friday. lol. just found out from dorothea today. i bet some of your reactions are like "walau!" or "stupid la!" or other words which i shall not type out... yup shall post more 2moro so i won't bore you all to death. ~vivian!=D Friday, August 29, 2008
hey ppl!i'm finally done with my blog! yay=D today is teacher's day celebration! wishing all teacher's a VERY happy teacher's day!=D i brought brownies to school today, did u all like them? I DID!=D there was none left!=D today got to see all the classes wear their interesting costumes, some were pretty normal. some were cool ;D and funny ;D and there were teams like Harry Potter, Pirates of Carribean, Step Up, MEN IN BLACK ;) and yea others too. today had the concert 1st it was quite ok i liked the part about guessing the teachers :D the teacher's baby/ small kid photo were CUTE!!^^ then we had POTLUCK party! our class brought drinks, potato chips. chicken, hash brown, bee hon, biscuits, BROWNIES!!^^ yup. they were all good;D wei qiang was irritating me the whole time.. "eh, wa you take so much, now wonder so fat la!" "eh, SUPERBLY overweight! don't take so much food la, later not enough to go around!" and he kept poking me!! stupid weiqiang..-.- we also took pics with some of the teachers! then cleared up, had sandwich-making competition, [we didn win though :(] then sang level song. yup. post more when i get home, have to go out liao. till then ~vivian=D Thursday, August 28, 2008
hey ppl my blog hasn been updated properly yet. so don;t kill me if u dont see ur link here. SORRY! >.<
yay tomorrow teacher's day celebration! no lessons!^^
movie theme for 1L : MEN IN BLACK!! [same as 1I O.o] i'm jus gonna wear black shorts, a white top with a black short sleeved cardigen [however u spell it] over. =D we're gonna have teacher's day concert 1st then have potluck party!=D ending at 12pm! meeting up with 6/1 tomorrow! =DD haven't seen you guys in quite some time.. miss you guys! can't wait for tomorrow!=D netball and bball inter-class.. girls are up against 1C and 1G! guys are up against 1A and 1C! jiayou 1L and 1K! do your best=DD ok of to finish the last of the quizzes on moodle, see you guys 2moro![1L and 6/1] =DD ~vivian :) p.s gonna change skin soon Tuesday, August 26, 2008
training yesterday was slack, just batting and throwing.then we had our photo shoot! yaki took along the plush doggie that Li Xin gave her, it's so cute!^^ then we celebrated coach and reena's birthday! seniors bought a can of whip cream, sprayed it on a plate, and wanted to smash it on coach's face, but it sort of melted..-.- but nvm, cos instead we smeared all the melted whippped cream over coach's face! xD after he washed up and everything he still can ask, 'so does my face look FAIRER after that "milk facial"? -.- diao today had netball training! it was quite good=D had fun zen-ing becks xD and of course, mission accomplished! she got pissed, quite a few times. xD me, felicia, venus, chityee and julia played a little bit with 1I. they're tall..! becks, puishan, s.xinyi, chingying and sarah played against 1J. they said 1J was AGGRESSIVE.. ooo... well in anycase, JIAYOU everyone!=D [and i mean everyone! =D] wanting to do the math quizzes on moodle but aaahhhh, cannot go moodle...!! =X gtg go homework liao, this week like have alot of thing to rush, ~science file + ejournal ~math quizzes ~history assignment good luck for poem recital everyone! just another 2-3 more days of school! looking forward to holidays.. ~vivian!=DD Sunday, August 24, 2008
daddy went overseas, won't be back till friday :(..yesterday cell outing was fun ;D played capture the flag! with water bombs! was on the same team as dorothea, hazel, jae, sherwyn, moses and matthew i was playing defender i hit derek with one water bomb! ^^ ted and derek were irritating when they were in prison >.< whoever is placed as their cell guard next time, u better have a high tolerance level, or at least be TALLER or BIGGER than them... -.-derek and his dance -.- at the end they were all smacking the leftover water bombs at each other. lol xD thank God for holding off the rain while we played the game and protecting us!=D God IS good!=D yup today nothing much, just went to eat with daddy then he went airport liao. stayed at home do homework! tomorrow gonna train netball, hopefully don't have any other thing disrupt..>.< gotta go do other homework~ `vivian!=D Saturday, August 23, 2008
hiaz yesterday wanna train netball in the end cannot, cos our class need to go meet the school counseller..haha me and becks was joking with laoba about *ahem* *ahem* xDlaoba: 98%! 98%! xD yesterday training quite relax=D we did some slight PT and batting then for the rest of the time we played FRISBEE! it was fun!!=D at first it was Coach, me, Siying, Pearl, Reena and Miko on one team, against the rest of the year 2s and becks. then the year 2s' team kept adding in more and more people like until 9 or 10, then our team onli left 4..-.- reena and miko left. but we were winning so it was ok ;D we played for quite a while then we had a short break. me and becks were arguing over whether yaki/yucky and ah ma shud come MY team or go her team. of course they would come MY team la!xD but in the end argue also no use, cos the next game become year 1 against year 2s..-.- then coach never play liao, he go up grandstand and rest [old liao ma..] then we played for also quite some time..then i started to get tired...luckily the year 2s requested for a short break ;D then me and becks were practicing netball!=D she was teaching me, and she says i'm improving!=D yay! then it started to rain D: so we went up, did cool down, coach did his usual blabbering...blablabla.. then went home!=D went to airport to eat with mummy and daddy, bought abit of stuff. then went home cos i tired *yawns* slept early cos i was super tired from the frisbee game, we played like what 3h+? last week of term 3 liao just endure abit more ppl! 6/1 people, look forward to friday! ;D see you guys then!=D yup that's abt it, ~vivian! =D p.s. becks! update list on monday;) Thursday, August 21, 2008
haiz still got test pratical and unseen poetry..>.<last 2 exams of the term, jiayou people! stuff coming up...: this sat! might have cell outing if have enough people!=D so to all central 3-ers, try to come for cell yea? =D teacher's day celebration! make sure to do something for your teacher's people! =D going back to CPS & meeting up with 6/1 as well=D inter-class games![netball and bball] jiayou 1L! let's do our best for Lystra yea? Show'em we're the best!=D but most importantly, BOND and HAVE FUN!=D [ok jiayou to all other classes as well;)] today during lunch saw matthew soh, again. me: MATTHEW!! matthew: [looks at me with blur look] me: going cell this saturday? [enthu] matthew: *nods* [still has blur look] me: ok cos we might have cell outing! [enthu] matthew orh. ok. [partially blur look] bye[waves] -.- time to be enthu he don't enthu... played netball for P.E! was playing Wing Defence, guarding valerie from opposite team.. the whole thing was fun!=DD french.. the test was ok, more to the difficult side though..>.< on the way home, halfway through had this really random convo with darien. me to becks: .(was chatting with becks about sth)........betrayer. darien: [looks at me] me: [looks at him for a while] betrayer!![points at him] d: ..... scorpion![points at me] me: [thinking huh?] um..spongebob! d: [gave me the 'ur weird' look] ....grass! me: [thinking even more huh?] um.. mickey mouse! and it goes on and on and on...the game of randomness. the rule is: say any word that is NOT related to the word the other person just said. no repitions either. yup we played it until reached his stop. made him lose a game on his phone while playing this game xD the whole thing was just pretty retarded. xD i played it with becks too, she got so irritated by me xD [mission accomplished!xD] [see it's gd chingying learnt from me becks!xD] other random words i can remember that we said [not in order] : best denki, tree, TM, courts, Iseatan, houses, cars, random, pregnant woman, smoking, venus, peishan, julia, melvin, daren's house, minnie mouse, converse, nike, winnie the pooh um...yea having brain blockage now.. will update list soon!xD oks gtg study for tests now! signing off ` vivian!=DD Wednesday, August 20, 2008
got french test tomorrow!!>.<i very scared, going to mug after posting hopefully i can do better thatn the last time! must aim for at least 80marks! jia you to all other french people too! [julia, becks, venus, peishan, cassandra, regina, gladys yup that's all i can think off.. forgive me if i didn't write your name!!! >.<] ok study hard people! just another 7 days until term 3 is over! must 忍!! oh wait minus teacher's day celebration it's 6 days!!=D still got 2 more tests coming up this practical and LA unseen poetry all the best to all=DD look forward to the holis!=D can't wait to see all my 6/1 friends next friday! xD alright, gotta go prepare for french test! signing off, ~vivian=D Tuesday, August 19, 2008
now at home! just finish doing homework^^ok continue from just now... ate lunch, becks keep saying i bangseh her... xP daddy came at around 2.15pm then fetch me go White Sands for a while go buy medicine... then i went home, took medicine, did homework, rest for a while, and a CERTAIN SOMEONE irritating me even though i said i was doing homework...[no it's not anyone in DHS] can't you just SHUT UP?! yup then surfed the net for a while, then eat dinner liao, then watch TV then here I am posting! now chatting.. poor peishan is sick.. must get well soon peishan! then can play netball inter-class!=D jy v-captain! ;) 6/1 gonna have gathering!=D so far the plan is meet at CPS, then go eat lucn, then go WWW. hopefully lotsa ppl can come! ;) wanna see all my 6/1 frens again! Lystra must jiayou for netball inter-class! my aim is for us to get into semi finals at least :) but the most important thing is to HAVE FUN!!=D no matter what, just as long as we have fun and have team spirit! ;D yup that's about it, i'm a boring person, will post more interesting stuff when my life gets more interesting, ~vivian=D
suppose to be ACC lesson now, but teacher never come, so we have 2 whole periods to do anything we want...
now me laura ching ying and s.xinyi at love calculator again <3 ;) retarded results...xDD laughing like siao... laura even keeps a record of what we tried lolsxD syan...stomach super pain...+ headache... not going for french later, daddy say go home rest. lols, now melvin's group also doing... lolxD haha oo relief teacher go around looking liao..everyone quickly close/hide the window. haha post more when i get home, ~VIVIAN(: Monday, August 18, 2008
during BP lesson, suppose to be finding info for difference between english and chinese news channel/ radio...but we're doing something FUN [kinda lame, but in a good way;)] instead! we're at love calculator <3 lols some of the results were kinda SHOCKING and SURPRISING and FUNNY! xD and RETARDED! [chingying, laura, s.xinyi, u know what i mean ;)] lols haha yups science practical and unseen poetry test coming up! jiayous everyone! our class movie theme is interesting!=D can't wait for teacher's day!=DD somethings are just so help or not to help? or would u just end up being a busybody in the end...? yup that's about it! signing of, Sunday, August 17, 2008
just watch finish the table tennis finals (women) olympicsyay Singapore get silver!! go Singapore! =DD our 1st medal! in....48 years! =D at first Feng TianWei played well for her first round, but then she still lost..): but she did great!=D same for Li JiaWei...but she did well too! Doubles they lost everything though... BUT THEY ALL DID WELL!! YAY!! *claps* ^^ today went to TM to watch 12 Lotus, 12 莲花. quite interesting la, especially the getai songs;) but i didn't really get the plot though...=X oh well never mind, it was still quite nice anyway :) i went to watch it with mummy! daddy went to watch journey to the center of the earth O.o he say quite interesting, told me should go watch we ate lunch then me and mummy did some window shopping before we watch movie, i didn't know what dady went to do though... o.O then after that we ate dinner, shop abit some more then went home, cos daddy wanted to watch the table tennis and football. yups. yup that's pretty much about it, my life can be boring sometimes, especially because i have no siblings!! :'( i wonder what movie Lystra will decide on;) it'll be quite interesting and FUN to dress up ;D yup that's about it, post more tomorrow! ~vivian;) Saturday, August 16, 2008
just came back from my nephew's 1st month celebration;)he's so cute^^ and so is my new baby cousin^^ 6/1 planning on having a gathering on teacher's day celecration [29th aug] darius/dana suggested going swimming... i'm not really up for that though... SORRY >.< looking forward to see all my friends! missing them so much;) PC day yesterday was cool my dad was being lame [as usual] again xD the family tree was written on the board, made me realise who were the uncles and aunties and cousins and nieces and nephew and brothers and sisters and cousins that i didn't know of... o.O the powerpoint was cool!;) someone should post it on our class blog! the class item was...impromptu...stand by me + at the beginning :) the SUPREME KING should have done something funny xD THERE WAS SOOO MUCH FOOD LEFT OVER!! [especially the bread, and NO I WOULD NOT EAT THEM WEI QIANG!! =X] and oh yea! found out cass' mum was my dad's ex-colleague!! =O yup the week's over! [which means i can call peishan PUIshan already! xD] yay!=D but maybe i decided to be nice and not call peishan puishan anymore! but again...maybe not 看我的心情!xD yup so that's about it, having unseen poetry test and science pratical test this week =X hope i can do better this term.. signing off, vivian =D Friday, August 15, 2008
today stayed back in school to prepare the class for PC day tomorrow;)first hopitality i/cs [ME and LINMIN!] went to meet teachers to see what to do tomorrow must SMILE and be HOSPITABLE then tell us need to say in english/chinese see parents more comfortable with what some people even want to say in malay -.- at first say need to wear tie >.< but turns out usher also never wear so become we no need wear also lorhs =P heng ah..xD on the way back saw matthew soh... matthew: VIVIAN!! [run towards me] me: WHAT?! [thinking something happened] matthew: WHY JUST NOW U NEVER WAVE AND SAY HI TO ME?! =.= diao... me: um ok..hi...[waves] matthew: hi [smiles and waves] weird sia... yea ok anyway went back to class and clean up the class abit me & becks went to find trash bag we went all the way to the canteen, took a trash bad from the drinks stall uncle, and while walking back halfway, we realised we could have just ask a cleaner at the nearby toilet -.- ok then becks had to drag me to join her in the arts appreciation i/c thingy cos julia go emcee-ing and s.xinyi go tournament. it turned out to be boring...-.- and a lot of thing we not clear cos we also not arts appreciation i/c went back to class, wa, decorate until very nice liao *claps* ^^ our class and 1I's class very clean liao, yay!=DD we were crapping around, making jokes, zhen-ing each other xD then that jianchong, wear one leg black sock st john shoe, the other side white sock sport shoe -.- when jianchong went out of the class to 'catwalk', me PEIshan and becks decided to play a joke on him [no actually it was becks] becks hid his other black sock at the trash bag that side when he came back into class, he was searching with it, me becks and PEIshan tried to supress our laughter in the end he found his sock...but he didn't suspect anything...-.- nice try becks [SUPREME KING, if u see this, now u know] yup then after some more crapping, then see the guys do the slideshow then daddy came to pick me home!^^ becks and darien[patrick] got a lift patrick was playing NFS in the car he play until he wanna lose liao then quickly restart halfway me and becks were like WHAT?! wa like that also can... then another time he play and was winning way ahead of his opponents then.... his com hang! LOLxD yup nothing much after that... OH YEA!! 1L chinese story telling for into FINALS!! YAY 1L!!^^ [especially laoba, venus, iris and thiri!!] continue to jiayous!!=D yup ks nothing much liao, tomorrow not going megalife, have to go my nephew's 1st month celebration!^^ he's soooo cute!! try to post pics another time;) oh yea! darien's sis looks cute too!^^ and so does darien's p1 pic!!^^ yup that's abt it, signing off now, Vivian;)
hey everyone!
in school now, math teacher's not here... we're supposed to do maths ws but i think at least 60% of the class isn't...xD yup PC (Parent-Child) day is tomorrow=D have to prepare today! bet it's gonna be fun ;) it'll be interesting to see all my classmates parents..;) yea will post more when i get home.. oh btw, if u dont see ur link on my blog yet, SORRY >.<>.< oh and there's no taggie yet, will get one soon i promise!!:) yup oks, this is gonna be short, post more later;) oh and get well soon becks! so that i won't feel so bad for zhen-ing u!xD jkjk;) kks, signing off now.. Vivian;) Wednesday, August 13, 2008
heya!posting on my blog for the first time;) cramming for history test tomorrow... actually nothing much to study except must remember the concepts aahh...didn't do too well for less than 30 marks out of 40...=X but im quite happy for chinese:) at least i got above 70!! yay!! p.e tomorrow...can play netball:) yay! yup becks i know ur very happy=D yup u too PEIshan...(sheesh i can't wait this week to be over!)xD [you owe me 50 cents btw!] haiz...gotta go revise history liao... signing off ~VIVIAN! |